Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal is the national poet of Pakistan. He was born on 9th November, 1877. This blog is about the life and poetry of Allama Iqbal. This Blog has the poerty of Iqbal in Urdu, Roman Urdu and English translation.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Allama Iqbal Concept Of Ishq

Allama Iqbal Poem On Ishq
Love is the root of all that Iqbal want and preaches. Here i experienced a difficulty. Iqbal's word in Ishq which is usually translated in English as love. But as far as i understand love means only a small fraction of what is meant by Ishq in Iqbal's terminology.
To avoid confusion, I would, therefore, retain in English the original Isaq. Ishq means the entire  philosophy of Iqbal. It is love, help, service, even sacrifice in the sense of surrendering one,s legitimate inalienable rights. It is the domination of the world, control and modification at pleasure of the laws of nature and through it the attainment of Allah.Thus it will be seen that when Iqbal connects
desire with love he does not mean, as the two terms lead us to expect, That desire should be marked with or tempered by Ishq. He is far from it. Desire and Ishq are according  to him practically interchangeable in form and actually interdependent  in meaning.

He is not lover whose lips are busy groaning,

Lover  Is   he  who hath the  two worlds on the palm of his hands,

Lover is he who build his own world,

Is not in harmony with a world that knows a border.

( Ishq is the pulling asunder of the glass of universe. Do not search for the cup of Jamshed demand th world-conquering-hand.)

Briefly Ishq stands for all that is good in this world and the next while its opposite Aql or wisdom  stands for all that is bad and sinful.

But the wisdom which Iqbal so emphatically condemns  has got nothing to do with shrewdness.Shrewdness works side by side  with and is benevolent and helpful to Ishq and desire. While is an antonym of Ishq, shrewdness is its synonym. 

Iqbal next awakens us to the merits of force and conflict, another essential phase of his theory Ego, desire, or Ishq are all intertwined with his doctrine of force. With his usual tempestuous vehemence. Iqbal preaches the doctrine of force and requires you to follow it undauntedly. Considerations of consequences  should never stand in your way. If collision against a harder substance means your going to pieces do not mind. Life does not consist in a number of fragments being held together.

It is something above the unity or disruption of the so-called components of an entity. Where reverses and result of well directed courage, consequences will invariably help. There is no such thing  as hindrance known to self-reliant ambition. Together or in pieces the individuality  is there, maintaining its progress towards self-realization without a pause. As  a matter of fact a fatal collision only strengthens you and adds to your credit. If you are strong then every thing coming in contact with you either gives way to you or goes to pieces by shock, it is all right


indian songs said...

I don't understand the ideology of Iqbal but I can say surely that one has no control when one is in love or ishq as they say and nobody else can understand the feelings of a lover if he has never been in love himself.

Unknown said...

Ishq,as much as I know and after having studied Iqbal poetry a bit, means the ikhlaas(altruism) in your intentions,desires and actions. Your intention, desires and action must be seeking the favour of Allah almighty... Free from selfishness.

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